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Run For The Springs 5K 

The Marion Soil and Water Conservation District participated in the twelfth annual Run for The Springs event hosted by Marion County Stormwater, where we sponsored at the 3-magnitude tier. This event aims to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining septic tanks to prevent contamination of surrounding waters. All proceeds are allocated to Marion County residents through grants for reimbursement of septic maintenance and repair. Additionally, our Administrator Ann Bishop and Supervisor Justin Albright also joined in the run, further emphasizing our commitment to promoting water conservation and environmental stewardship within the community.

A sign with multiple sponsor logos for an annual Springs 5K run event, displayed vertically outdoors.
May contain: clothing, footwear, shoe, path, person, walking, tent, plant, tree, animal, canine, dog, mammal, pet, accessories, glasses, and outdoors
A person running through a race finish line arch in a park with trees and traffic cones. (Please note that the image is rotated 90 degrees.)