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October 10, 2022


Marion Soil and Water Conservation District (MSWCD)

Regular Board Meeting

2710 East Silver Springs Boulevard

Ocala, FL 34470

October 10, 2022

9:30 AM

PLEASE NOTE: Individuals wishing to address the Board will need to sign in. A three-minute time limit will be administered to each of these individuals. PLEASE MUTE ALL PHONES. This agenda acts as a guidance for the structure of the meeting. Thank you.

I. Call to Order
Vice Chairman Vivi Serena called the meeting to order at 9:40 AM.

  • Roll Call

Vivi Serena, Vice-Chairman/Treasurer
Colleen Stenstream, Secretary
Brent London, Supervisor

Justin Albright, Chairman
Tina Johns, Supervisor

Others in Attendance
Chris Denmark, FDACS
Tammy Hinkle, FDACS
Ann Bishop, MSWCD Staff

  •  Proof of Publication

Star-Banner – Sent an email on June 28 and a reminder on October 3.
Florida Administrative Weekly – Posted on June 20 and a reminder on September 26.
NRCS – Sent an email on June 28 and a reminder on September 20.
Marion County Board of County Commissioners – Sent an email regarding this meeting on June 28 and a reminder on October 3.

  •  Chair’s Comments Regarding the Agenda
  • Public Comments on the Agenda Items Only

(A motion to approve the items on the consent agenda is to approve items if unanimous consent from last workshop meeting.)

  •  MSWCD Board Minutes
  • MSWCD Board Financial Report

PROPOSED MOTION: Colleen Stenstream moved that the MSWCD consent agenda be approved as presented. Brent London seconded; all in were in favor.

III. Long-Range Plan
The Board agreed to review the long-range plan and to send Ann Bishop an email with any changes, by the first Friday of November. If a supervisor does not respond; then, he/she agrees that the current plan is okay, as it stands.

IV. NRCS Report
The Board reviewed the NRCS report.

V. FDACS Report

  •  Cost Share

– Ellen Turner, Sumter, Weather Station, $1097.82
– Additional Agreements

PROPOSED MOTION: Colleen Stenstream moved that the MSWCD approve the presented cost share agreements. Brent London seconded; all were in favor.

The Board and FDACS discussed equine cost share and renting equipment.

  • Tech Contract

The Board discussed the Payroll Company and insurance. Ann Bishop mentioned that Justin Albright signed a work comp proposal through Paychex rather than Brown and Brown since it was a savings of $2,274. Ann is meeting with Paychex to discuss 401K plans tomorrow, but she needs to know what FDACS and the Board will contribute. Chris Denmark was asked if he can find out what FDACS will cover regarding the Brown and Brown Insurance Premium and the 401K contribution; as well as, when the Board can start advertising for the technician positions. Ann also mentioned that once the Human Resource Outsourced Specialist reviews our handbook; then, Ann will send it to FDACS for approval.

The Board and FDACS discussed equine cost share and renting equipment. Brent London will speak to AgPro and the Board would like to review this plan in more detail. Chris Denmark also mentioned that Gadsen County had an equipment rental program.

Tammy Hinkle mentioned that Ann Bishop and her discussed a BMP Expo similar to the one Gilchrist is putting on this week.

Ann Bishop stated that Titan GPS will be providing the Board with more info regarding Field Docs, per Colleen Stenstream’s previous request.

VI. Staff Report & Recap

  •  Meetings

The NACD meeting was discussed.

PROPOSED MOTION: Brent London moved that the MSWCD allow Ann Bishop to volunteer at the annual NACD meeting in New Orleans. Colleen Stenstream seconded; all were in favor.

AFCD’s Midyear Meeting has been changed from January to February 6-8, and the new location will be at the UF Hilton in Gainesville.

– November
A discussion was held regarding November’s Meeting.

PROPOSED MOTION: Colleen Stenstream moved that the MSWCD cancel the November Meeting. Brent London seconded; all were in favor.

  • Contests

– SEYF Mandatory Meeting
The SE Youth Fair is holding a mandatory meeting on October 25 at 6 pm.

– Land Judging
Land Judging will be held in Gilchrist County on January 27. The Board will need volunteers; Brent London and Oneisha Gary are willing to judge.

– Essay, Speech, Found Art, Posters
The deadline to enter the essay, speech, found art and poster contests is December 15, and the Board will need judges. The Speech Contest will be held on January 28 at Green Clover. Brent, Vivi and Colleen stated they would be willing to judge. It was also suggested that Robert Stenstream might want to judge the posters and found art.

  •  Financials

– Financial Disclosure
The auditor revised our audit and sent us a new one since the auditor general asked for more information. Ann resent the updated one to FDACS and the Clerk of Courts (County).

– MC Budget
The Board reviewed the budget for this fiscal year. Ann mentioned that budget reimbursement is due by October 19. Also the County sent out an invoice for a Workman’s Comp premium.

– 501C3
Ann Bishop stated that the auditor is looking into the 5013C status for us.

  • Miscellaneous

– Ann Bishop gave an overview on the classes she has taken and is signed up to take. Ann reminded the Board about the IAAP certification and the number of annual credits needed to maintain the certification.

PROPOSED MOTION: Brent London moved that the MSWCD allow Ann Bishop to use Training Reimbursables to attend the virtual conference(s)/class(es). Colleen Stenstream seconded; all were in favor.

– Ann Bishop mentioned that she completed the reports for the EDR Land & Water Survey and the Public Depositor.

– Dr. Lane sent a thank you to the Board; it was reviewed.

– Tom Cartwright called the District, asking for items for the Rose Association.

PROPOSED MOTION: I move Colleen Stenstream moved that the MSWCD provide Tom Cartwright with pens, brochures, etc. for the Rose Association bags. Brent London seconded; all were in favor.

Ann Bishop reminded the Board that she needs the evaluations for the County.

VII. Upcoming Events
– Gilchrist SWCD BMP Expo – October 13
– FDACS Invoices Due – October 15
– FCDEA Monthly Meeting – October 18
– MCBCC Budget Packet Due – October 19
– SEYF Mandatory Meeting – October 25
– EDR Due – October 28
– SECDEA Annual Meeting – November 7-10
– Veteran’s Day – Holiday – November 11
– MSWCD Monthly Meeting – November 14
– AFCD Website Monthly Training – November 14
– Thanksgiving – Holiday – November 24-25
– Depositor Annual Report Due – November 30
– MSWCD Monthly Meeting – December 12
– Poster, Essay, Found Art & Speech Deadline – December 15

VIII. General Public Comments

IX. Supervisor Comments

X. Meeting Adjournment
– Our next meeting is December 12, 2022 at 9:30 AM in the Growth Services Building.

– With no other business needing addressed, Vice-Chairman Vivi Serena adjourned the meeting at 10:33 AM, until our next regular board meeting.

MSWCD’s regular meetings are held at 9:30 AM on the 2nd Monday of each month, and their workshops are held the 4th Monday of each month at 9:30 AM, tentatively. Both meetings are located in Growth Services, located at 2710 E. Silver Springs, Ocala, FL 34470. For more information, call (352) 438-2475.