Land Judging, Sep 5, 2023

Entry Form Due: TBA
Date/Time/Location: TBA
For rules and an entry form, contact our office: 352-438-2475.
For more information visit:
Contest is held in conjunction with Levy, Gilchrist and Dixie Soil & Water Conservation Districts. If a local contest is held, then the following:
- Any Marion County 4-H or FFA member can compete
- Monetary prizes and ribbons given for 1st & 2nd place for both, 4-H & FFA teams
- Ribbons given for 3rd place for both, 4-H & FFA teams
- First place for both, 4-H & FFA, advances to State & receives a traveling or registration stipend
PLEASE NOTE: If the Regional Contest is not required to advance to the State Competition, then, the local contest may be cancelled or done as a mock contest.